Online Information Session:
verantwortlich: Anja Robert

Femtec Career-Building Programme

The Femtec Career-Building Programme is a programme for female students of natural and engineering sciences. The aim of this programme is to support women on their way to responsible positions in research and industry. Behind this programme is a strong network of the RWTH Aachen University, other leading technical universities (e.g. TU Berlin, KIT Karlsruhe) as well as well-known companies and research institutions (e.g. Porsche, Telekom, Fraunhofer). You can find more information about the programme here:

Female STEM students (= MINT-Studentinnen) can apply for participation in the Femtec Career-Building Programme online from 22.04. to 11.05.2025. The programme language will mainly be English. The required level of German is A2.

Further information as well as helpful tips on how to apply for the program are available at this information event.

The presentation will be given by the coordinator of the Femtec Career Building Programme of RWTH Aachen. In addition, at least one scholarship holder will be present to talk about her personal experience with the programme.

Date: 05.05.2025, 17.00 - 18.30 hours
Presenter: Bianca Lenz (Coordinator Femtec, RWTH Aachen University)
Location: web conference via Zoom
Fee: none
Registration: required, max. 80 participants


5003Femtec Careerbuilding ProgrammeMo17:00-18:30Web conference via Zoom05.05.Bianca Lenzentgeltfreiab 26.03., 12:00