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First step to start my career “Jobsearch in Germany!”
Online Training Workshop (in English) – 4 hours
Where can I find the right kind of job for me in Germany? No matter, whether to apply for a job after studies or for an internship or working student position. Go on to find a suitable job in the "jungle" of job offers and job exchanges. This can only succeed if you know what you what you want! In this online-workshop we put the focus on preparation „How will I proceed? What do I need to know about conditions and specifics of companies? What professional and personal skills do I have to offer? Where can I find the right job for me? This workshop is aimed at international students who are looking for a job in Germany.
Date: 07.05.2024, 10.00 - 14.00 hours
Presenter: Dorothee Lüning (Dipl.-Päd.)
Registration: required, max. 20 participants
Venue: Online Training via Zoom
Fee: 5 €
Language: English
This seminar can be credited towards your certificate Career Success in Germany: https://www.rwth-aachen.de/cms/root/studium/Nach-dem-Studium/Karriere/Career-Service-International/~bjldsh/Zertifikat-Career-Success-in-Germany/
Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.02.2025
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